About us

Hello, and thanks for taking interest in our studio! We’re a small team that takes our love of games and creation and turns it into something we hope everyone can enjoy! We love to involve our players in as much of this process as possible – a game made by players is more often enjoyed by players, and we feel we can learn from the experiences of those interested in our process as much as we can teach burgeoning designers our own hard-won lessons.

We believe that games can improve the world.

They have a tremendous capacity to educate through an interactive medium, and bring people together within a shared experience. We feel a true shared experience is one that is inclusive, conscientious, and immersive. These three core criteria form our primary guides and inform both the games we make and the ways we bring them to reality.

  • Inclusivity

    Stop, Drop and Roll Games Studio are a proudly anti-fascist organisation and we believe that all people, of all backgrounds, beliefs, cultures, ages, races, sexualities, physical abilities and even gaming experience should be able to participate and enjoy games with everyone else, and seek to make sure they feel safe and welcome within our company and community.

    Our games are made with this in mind, and steer away from any elements that may encourage or depict intolerance of others in any way. We also understand that we only have our own perspectives to go by; if you have an accessibility issue, suggestion or perspective for games and how they could be improved, we want to hear from you.

  • Conscientiousness

    Games are not the most environmentally forward medium – cardboard and plastic are an unavoidable constant throughout the industry.

    We seek to reduce our environmental impact in any way we can, and avoid plastic components wherever possible.

    This doesn’t mean our games will be lower quality or degrade faster than others, but by making use of pioneer materials and reducing our own use of (and thus the demand for) environmentally damaging substances, we hope to lead the way in ethical and future-focused game production.

  • Immersiveness

    We want our games to be something memorable – a necessary element of any shared experience. This means our games need to be easy to learn and play, no matter how complex subject matter or inexperienced the player.

    Furthermore, we believe that a game, like any activity people connect with, should be emotionally fulfilling.

    We pay careful attention to the feelings our games inspire in others and cultivate them to become something players will be excited to play, and feel good about once finished, whether you’ve won or lost.

  • Laurie Blake

    The brains behind the games, Laurie’s eternal struggle is having too many ideas for new games, and having only enough hands to work on one at a time…

    Email Laurie 
  • Rob Ingle

    Bob creates the images which bring the ideas to life. Daydreamer, doodler and card carrying luddite, he revels in the tactile experience of tabletop games and the fact they can’t randomly crash mid-game.

    Email Bob 
  • Rhi Saunders

    Rhi is the ruler of Social Media, her many voices echoing through the web, a chorus of enthusiastic nerdiness. Not actually a benevolent AI, or so she keeps telling us…

    Email Rhi 

Or say hi in person!

We love meeting our fans and playing games with them, it's what motivates us to create!

So join us on our dedicated Discord server below and say hi, find out about the next games we're working on, or meet us at one of the events we'll be at, we list them on there too!

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